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Virtual Learning

Remote Learning @eotas

Microsoft Teams is our portal for remote learning across EOTAS.  Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, assignments, and apps together in one place, helping teachers and pupils to work in a vibrant learning community that is collaborative and connected – even if you are not physically in school.  Every pupil will belong to a Microsoft Team for each of their classes and their tutor group.


Microsoft Teams can be accessed using Office 365 through your school email address. Once logged into, pupils can access Microsoft Teams, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Microsoft outlook and many more Microsoft applications. From here, pupils can open Office apps in their web browser using the app launcher button (the button with nine dots) of any Microsoft Office web page.  


Home Learning will be set on MS Teams as an assignment. All remote learning is set on MS Teams as this allows for a better interaction and communication with pupil and teacher. Pupils can complete the work in their book, on paper, or using any Microsoft Application ensuring that all assignments are complete and submitted before clicking on the ‘Turn in’ assignment icon.  Once the work is complete it should be uploaded to MS Teams.


Microsoft Teams classes: Every pupil will belong to a Microsoft Team for each of their classes and their tutor group. In the MS Team pupils will see the following teachers:

  • Class Teacher
  • Support Assistant
  • Head of Centre

Procedures: pupils who are self-isolating or not attending for other reason/s but able to study will join a “virtual timetable” and be assigned to that Class Team for the day/s

The PowerPoint and resources that will be used in your lesson will be uploaded to the class MS Team for pupils to complete the work. 

When setting work for pupils accessing learning remotely, teachers will:  

  1. Set meaningful and ambitious assignments for pupils each day in a range of subjects possibly using some of the Oak Academy resources
  2. Provide clear and helpful explanations of new content, supported by high-quality resources. This will primarily be through the “Chat” function within the TEAM
  3. Gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum, using questions and other suitable tasks.  Teachers will make it clear how regularly they will check work and will adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to pupil’s progress and, where necessary, will revise material or simplify explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding.
  4. Plan a programme of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school.


Remote Learning- Accessing lessons. Where possible, pupils may join live lessons through Teams.  Pupils should be available on Teams while working at home at the allocated lesson time according to the pupil timetable. If the teacher feels it would be beneficial for the pupil to access the lesson live, pupils should be ready to accept the invitation and join the lesson. 


Joining a live lesson in MS Teams

1. Accept invitation and ‘Join the meeting’

2. Ensure camera and microphone is switched off.

3. Follow EOTAS behaviour policy


Some pupils may have their lessons online with TUTE.

You will be informed of your login and password from your Head of Centre. 

Guidance on TUTE:

What is TUTE?              Logging into TUTE             Behaviour Expectations                TUTE Learning Cloud    

Using TUTE                    Audio Issues           Terms and Conditions

My remote learning checklist

1. Log into Microsoft 365 daily using my school email and password.

2. Check my emails.

3. Open Microsoft Teams. My Virtual Tutor Group in Microsoft Teams:

4. Get myself organised and plan what I am going to do and when.

5. Download and complete my work using a Microsoft application. 

6. Attend all online live lessons on Microsoft Teams and contact my tutor or subject teacher if I need any help or support.

7. Call into school if you are unable to access Teams as your attendance will be monitored through Teams