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EOTAS knows how important the pastoral role is for our young people to thrive.  The pastoral support offer is built in layers to make sure appropriate support is available for all of our young people at the right time.  EOTAS is an attachment aware community and building  trusting relationships with key adults is an integral part of the process for supporting a young person's reintegration and personal development.  


Each student is assigned a tutor during the admission process.  Tutors begin to work with the student and manage the induction and intake process.  A tutor will begin the initial assessment and start to understand the young person and what they are finding difficult and help them to reflect on what they will need to focus on in order to make progress.  Progress will be linked to learning, personal development and attendance.  Attendance is a key focus and we promote the importance of attendance and engagement in lessons and intervention sessions that will be tailored to a young person's individual needs.

Tutor sessions are twice a day and the tutor will be the first point of contact to parents and carers.  They will work through strategies to support each of their tutees.  

Pastoral  support team and hub

In addition to specialist support assistants in classes to support the teacher with learning and engagement, there is the pastoral support team.  This team is available during the school day to provide students with additional support if they are finding something difficult.  A student can check in at the hub or be referred to the hub as part of a planned intervention.  This might be for a short time to refocus and rejoin their class or they could remain there for the whole day.  

Multi - element planning

Information about the Multi-Element Plan (MEP)

The Multi-Element Plan (MEP) is a tool that we use within EOTAS to find out from students about their behaviours, what triggers them and what helps them to have a better day.

The Multi-Element Plan was introduced to EOTAS by the Educational Psychology Service.  EOTAS staff have received training on how to use this tool with students.

The Multi-Element Plan can be completed with a student, in person, using sets of cards that are sorted and ordered, or virtually, on the computer.

The Multi-element plan helps students to think about the function of their behaviours, environmental strategies that can support behaviour and how adults can best support a student.


Here is an idea of what the Multi-element plan activities look like:


Function of behaviour cards

Using these cards, think about what your behaviour might be saying.



Environmental strategies cards

What are the most important things for us to think about to help you to have a good day?


Responding to difficulties cards

When you are having a difficult time, what can adults do to help you in order to help you to regulate your behaviour?



Each student is encouraged to reduce their lists to the 3 most relevant items.  A summary is then produced of what the student has said.  This information is shared with staff that work with the student.

The purpose of the Multi-element plan is that the student is listened to and heard and that this helps adults working with them to understand how best to help and support them.


Here is a link to the virtual Multi-element plan that could be uploaded:

G:\SEND\07- Service wide\Online training\Multi-Element Plan\Multi – Element Plan Interactive Powerpoint [Autosaved] [Autosaved].pptx


Case  Management

All provisions have a case management meeting weekly that reviews all young people to see how they are progressing.  This is an opportunity to consider if a young person needs a more specific intervention or an adjustment to their package and timetable.  It allows the team to keep a laser sharp focus on students' progress and development and discuss next steps.  The meeting is attended by provision leads, DSL, EWO and the SENCO and is integral to ensuring that all young people are on track.   On occasions, the educational psychologists and speech and language therapists will join to feed back on the work that they are doing and identify which students may need further support and intervention to prepare them for reintegration or transitions to new destinations.