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We were inspected under Section 5 in December 2024.

Following our inspection by Ofsted on 10th and 11th December 2024, I am now able to share the final report with you all. We are delighted to tell you that Ofsted have judged EOTAS to be a school which provides Outstanding personal development for our pupils. We are extremely proud of this positive outcome which is a testament to the care and commitment of our staff, the support of our parents and carers, and of course, a celebration of our wonderful children.

 Across our sites, whether that is Fernbrook, Riverside, Oakfield or our Medical provision, visitors that spend time in our school, frequently leave with a strong impression of both the children’s and staff’s ambition, happiness, supportiveness, and kindness. Our Ofsted report captured this:

 “The school provides highly individualised support for pupils’ personal development. Over time, pupils show a growing confidence in themselves. They learn to regulate their emotions. They learn to face challenges and develop resilience within a safe and supportive environment. Pupils successfully learn how to speak out to make a difference for themselves and others.”

The report also acknowledged that staff who teach and support your children are skilled, have high expectations and secure subject knowledge:

 “The school has a deep understanding of its pupils. It uses its knowledge of pupils’ strengths and barriers to identify and meet pupils’ SEND needs extremely well. Many pupils are disadvantaged and have an education health and care (EHC) plan. The personal development programme, including pastoral support, is exceptional. This provision helps pupils understand the consequences of their actions and the importance of speaking out when in need of help.”

 The report identified that there is an area for development and this is already part of our school improvement plan. We have been working hard to ensure we have an engaging, aspirational curriculum that will inspire our children to learn even more effectively. We are delighted that Ofsted have recognised the strengths and the work that has been done so far and we will continue to develop our curriculum over time.

 We are very pleased with the outcome of our inspection and you will be able to read more about the inspector’s judgements in the published report.

 Thank you to every member of the school and our Management Committee who are working tirelessly to ensure EOTAS remains a great place for children to learn. Also, thank you to parents and carers for your welcome support. EOTAS will continue to build on our successes.


See below for the full report